The nefarious reputation of the hinterlands lives
in the heart and soul of every inhabitant of the tiny town of Georgeskeep. Callieach
the nightmare, with her fiery hooves races along the hill and dales, breathing
fear into the air. Under the golden glow of the full moon, the trouping fairies
dance in their parade through the sleeping petals of the meadow. Ne’er be
caught upon a moonlit night when the fae are about their business, lest you
find yourself in a fairy ring ne’er to return to the land of the living.
Trickery is afoot in the hinterlands with the
coming of the Púca. Be it a fine November 1st eve, then
all is well within the hinterlands, as this is the day of the Púca. Kindness he will afford
you, if kindness in return is found. Beware to leave the Púca’s share or suffer
you all the more. When on the berries lies the frost, the Púca has there spit.
Be well to tell the child, lest they eat of Púca berries and find their self at
the bottom of the grave’s lonely pit.
Along the trail of dust and dirt that leads into the forest dark, wherein
lives a wicked witch tending to her herbs and pot. Dare you not to keep a house
too clean for the resident guest of a Bean Tighe shall surely be accused, and
you a charmer’s muse. Let there be dust upon the window ledge and at the hearth’s
edge too, then no accusation shall come upon one such as you.
When the bitter fingers of the winter shall come upon
the land, beware to hear the howling wind. The Bansidhe’s clarion call can be
heard above the wind and all. She calls forth the Coiste Bodhar and beckons you
therein. “There is naught to be done about it now. Your time has come,”says the
Sidhe. And off you go to the netherworlds, nevermore to be seen.
The inhabitants of Georgeskeep, they know these
stories well and more. The light that shines upon the window ledge, in the dark
of night, bids fond hellos to the benevolent, and bids bane to those of
dark. Take care upon your visit to our fair Georgeskeep. If you shall wander in
under the shadows of the eve, knock loud upon the door, your voice through the
cracks to be heard, or you may find yourself at the mercy of those who live
within the hinterlands until the morning sun.
I hope you enjoyed this little venture into the hinterlands of old. Have a simply wonderful Saturday one and all.
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