How much do you, as a reader, value “free?” That
seems to be the buzz question within many author groups. I cannot count the
number of times I have heard the question in various forms, the most common
being, “Do you think I should release the book as free for X number of days?”
My answer is no. No, I do not think books should
be released as free for any amount of time. Why? I have the perfect analogy
that I heard from a man with a MBA I used to work with several years ago.
Let’s say you are going to buy a t-shirt. You find
the t-shirt that you want at two big box retailers; Wal-Mart and Target. Which
do you value more? The t-shirts are identical, from the same vendor and made by
the same company. The only difference between the two shirts is the price. The
ultimate decision does not come down to the price tag. The psychology behind
the purchase has nothing to do with how much the t-shirt costs. It comes down
to which store you think has the better product. Wal-Mart holds to the low, low
prices marketing campaign, whereas Target promotes quality. Without conscious
thought you buy the t-shirt at Target, paying a few cents or dollars more. Why?
Because it is engrained in your mind that somehow the t-shirt at Target is of
better quality, even though the t-shirts are exactly the same.
Now, let’s apply the theory to the free book
phenomenon that is sweeping the e-book publishing industry. The most common
reasoning behind the free book release is, ‘I have to get my name out there.’
Ok, I can understand that. It’s true an author wants as many people as possible
knowing their name, and their work. However, they may have promoted their
product value right into the discount bin. To the avid reader, free equates to
of lesser quality. The general thought behind it seems to be the author has to
give their books away to get anyone to read them. That’s not necessarily the
case, but in many instances it is the perception. The author’s persona is now
in line with Wal-Mart’s low, low prices marketing campaign. If they do this
long enough, readers will equate the author name with low quality based on
promotion of the price. I’ve often been in Wal-Mart and assailed by the free
sample ladies in every aisle. I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen at Target.
The question is: is the author Wal-Mart or are they Target?
Free e-books are flooding the on-line retailers at
break-neck speed. In fact, it seems there are so many free books that it’s
starting to have a reverse effect. The free book the author worked so hard to
create is now buried under thousands of other free books.
What happens to all the free book downloads? The
buzz on the web is they tend to stay unread in the bottom of the e-reader for
someday. All the effort the author put
into promoting the book for free is most likely sitting at the bottom of the e-readers
of the world, right along with the manuscript they spent so much energy in
creating. Initially the author will see a spike in sales, just like Wal-Mart
does on free sample Saturday. Then the sales of the product plummet or even out
to what they were before. Freebies are a short term solution to a long term
marketing strategy.
The big publishing houses do not offer freebies
for a reason. It’s all about perception of the author. Is the author a quality
commodity, or are they not? Are they quality or are they discount? It’s all
about branding of the author. How an author presents themselves to the world is
exactly how the world will see them. How the world sees them is how they will
place value on the author’s work.
I learned this from my own experience in
publishing Sticks and Bones. I devalued my own work by dropping the price to 99
cents. I sold more copies of Sticks and Bones at the $2.99 price than I ever
have at the 99 cent price point. I also learned a few more things by publishing
Sticks and Bones, and I will be blogging more about those lessons in future
Note: There is nothing wrong with shopping at
Wal-Mart. I shop there all the time. This is about common public perception.