Monday, April 11, 2011

Statement by Detective Marcia Grant

She did it. She put our story out there. All those nights wondering and worrying. All those nights trying to put a puzzle together that even we, the investigative team, were shocked when the final piece fit.

My name is Detective Marcia Grant. I was the lead investigator on the Leah Jackson murder case. I have issues. I'll be the first to admit it. I coat-tailed to success on my father's reputation. I like things to be organized and by the book. I'm a little obssesive about the whole 'rules' thing. Everyone has their issues; right?

I was horrified when my best cop quit his job in the middle of the investigation. Jonathon was a good cop. Really, I have always believed that. Sure he was a little unorthodox in his methods, but with his partner, Arnie Paulson, he always got the job done. It was certainly more than a wrinkle in the case and definitely against the rules.

I consider myself an excellent judge of character. After all I have degrees in behavorial science and forensic psychology. I like to think I know a  little something about people; or at least I thought I did until Leah Jackson was found on the abandoned farmstead in rural Cass County. It should have been a slamdunk. It should have been wrapped up in a couple of days. But, things started to get complicated.

You have to understand, we live in a city where people rarely lock their doors at night. We pride ourselves on our low crime rate out here in North Dakota. We are people of a strong work ethic. We are people of integrity. We are a trusting people. Well, we were. The Leah Jackson case has definitely changed all of that.

There hadn't been an actual murder in fifty years -well before I was born. Mistakes were made. Evidence over-looked. And people, people are never who you think they are.

The case was a definite eye-opener for me. It's truly surprising what goes on behind closed doors; even in the most 'normal' of households. Normal. Normal doesn't really have a meaning for me anymore. Normal is only relevant to the person or persons involved.

And kids today. They are nothing like we were. I couldn't believe the absolute complacency regarding the murder of one of their friends. It seems like kids today have no concept on what it is to be dead; let alone murdered.

After the Leah Jackson murder, I learned a lot about life that I never studied in behavorial science, forensic psychology, or even from everyday existence.

The world has changed. The world has definitely changed.

The complete transcript of the case can be purchased in the Kindle Store under the title: "Sticks and Bones" authored by Donna R. Wood. If you read the book be prepared to be changed for life.

Thank you for letting me into your day.

Sticks and Bones

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